Tag Archives: books

Must read business books

The business books I have read, will read or have used that more or less have defined my current business thinking (of course it will change and I’m still missing quite a bit of topics, give me time):

Recommended book: “Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind”

Recommended book:

I just finished reading this book for my class of Intercultural Management, and I really liked it. There is only one thing that I don’t really understand, and that’s the Uncertainty Avoidance Index, because in my experience Latin Americans are much better at handling unknowns and improvising than say, Northern Europeans, but the book says that Uncertainty Avoidance is much higher in Latin countries than it is in Northern Europe. Will have to think about it.

Another thing I realised is that I understand now why I was able to adapt so well to living in Finland (and now Belgium): I was not raised so much as a Mexican. While growing up my home environment was much more conductive to discussion, and my parents always insisted on us being independent. I’m very glad for that.