Tag Archives: society

Battlestar Galactica

Finally had a chance to start watching Battlestar Galactica after having only seen the miniseries and I have to say it is some of the best TV and Sci-fi I have ever seen.  The character depth, the plot and the number and seriousness of the issues tackled are simply astounding, and production is also very glossy and visually appealing.

Without spoiling much of the plot, one of the many themes tackled throughout the series is the desire of artificial constructs to become human (and acting “more Catholic than the Pope” in the process) so they can assimilate into human communities.  There’s a link to the relationship between immigrants and their host societies there somewhere… 😉

Mexico notes, part 2

Palacio de Gobierno
2000 km southeast and 30°C warmer than the previous location: Main square of Mérida, Yucatán.
Sunset over the pool in Celestún, Yucatán
Sunset over the pool in Celestún, Yucatán.

Flamingoes in close-up
Flamingoes in close-up in Celestún, Yucatán

Celestún beach
5 km of virgin beaches in Celestún, Yucatán.

The only not so nice detail was when on meeting some people I hadn’t seen in a long time I realised that the crab mentality seems to be alive and well in certain sectors of society. Shame, but hey, what can you do. 😉 Overall it was great and I cannot wait to be back again, if only for holidays.

Mexico notes

As my previous post detailed, I spent a great holiday in Mexico, catching up with friends and especially family.  We spent a week in Mexico City, then 6 days in the Copper Canyon trail and a few days in Mérida and the natural reserve of Celestún before having to return to the winter wonderland.  I was struck by the enormous variety of landscapes and peoples living in the country where I was born, even if I knew it in theory.  As usual, pictures say it better (if you want to see more than these, they’re all here).

Fiery dusk cloud
The winter sky sometimes seems to take a life of its own.
Barranca de Urique desde el Cerro del Gallego
Copper Canyon: Barranca de Urique from Cerro del Gallego in Chihuahua state. The largest of 32 federal entities in Mexico, Chihuahua is bigger than many European countries, e.g. the United Kingdom.
Barrancas del Cobre / Copper Canyon national park deep panorama
Deep view of Copper Canyon in Divisadero
Barrancas del Cobre / Copper Canyon national park panorama
Copper Canyon panorama from Divisadero
Barrancas del Cobre / Copper Canyon national park
Copper Canyon detail
Barrancas del Cobre / Copper Canyon national park

Copper Canyon: Piedra Volada or why would anyone get so close to a loose rock?
Clothesline with a view
The rarámuri (tarahumara) peoples live in the area, and many sell their handcrafts to the tourists. I earned some brownie points by thanking them in their own language ("Chirigüeraba").
Panorama of a snowed over Creel
It also snows in parts of Mexico, you know? Creel, Chihuahua
Panorama of Lake Arareco, Chihuahua, Mexico
This is not a Finnish lake, but Lago Arareco in Chihuahua state.
Cusarare waterfall
Cusarare waterfall, Chihuahua.

Continues in Part 2

Darwin Awards, Finnish Edition

I have been thinking lately about the Darwin Awards, which you might know are all about:

Honoring those who improve the species… by
accidentally removing themselves from it!

Given the general conditions of life here in the far north, there are a few ways in which you could very easily make yourself due to receive such an “honour”.  Some of my favourites below:

  • Riding a bike dressed in black in November-January.  Invisibility might be a good thing for ninjas, but you want to be as visible as possible so that you don’t get run over by a car.
  • Not enough clothing in winter, especially if alcohol is involved. Obvious really.
  • Not taking care of the sauna stove while drinking. How many times have we seen houses burn down, with people inside?
  • In summer, going fishing with a couple of beers on.  A few deaths every year involve people who drown in lakes with their zippers down.

Any sure ways of winning the Darwin Awards that are common hereabouts you might want to add, that don’t include alcohol? 😉

I don’t know about you, but that’s probably the one award I could live my life without.

La maldición mexicana

Es interesante ver que algunas de las semillas de la presente situación en México fueron plantadas durante el llamado “milagro mexicano” de 1940-1971.  Clientelismo, monopolios y falta de valor agregado en las actividades económicas  son vicios que se hicieron fuertes durante esa época.  Algunos otros se fortalecieron más tarde, especialmente el narcotráfico, el descuido del sistema educativo y el enfoque exclusivo en Estados Unidos.

En las últimas semanas han llamado mi atención una serie de artículos en los que se manifiesta la preocupación de algunos sectores dada la situación actual de México, especialmente en comparación con nuestros vecinos latinoamericanos.  La diferencia nace, a mi parecer, de la decidia de la clase política y de la falta de una cultura democrática en la sociedad que complemente nuestro sistema político.  Somos buenísimos para quejarnos y para asistir a manifestaciones, pero díganme quién le ha llamado a su diputado o senador para pedirle que rinda cuentas.

Viendo desde fuera el número de oportunidades perdidas en los últimos 10 años por el exceso de politiqueros y la falta de verdaderos estadistas, y el estado de nuestra inversión en el desarrollo de recursos humanos a través de la educación, por desgracia no me sorprende el estado del país.

Por desgracia, como es más fácil armar mitotes que ponerse a trabajar, no soy tan optimista como quisiera. Espero estar equivocado.

The price of fame

By now everybody and their mother have heard about the “balloon boy hoax“: a kid was feared to have flown away on a balloon kept in his family’s back yard who garnered huge media and law-enforcement attention until it was found that first he was not there in the balloon and then that it had all been staged.

More than anything, I think it is a commentary on the length to which some will go in order to attain “fame”, even at the cost of everybody else.  They got their 15 minutes, but could end up with a 2 million USD fine and 6 years in jail.

Times change

Guitar Hero Metallica

When I was growing up and my parents’ friends would come over to our place, there would usually be dinner and/or coffee and they would just keep on doing the “adults’ conversation”.

Now that I’m an adult and some of my friends already have kids of their own, when we meet we sometimes have dinner and/or coffee, but there’s almost always a playing session on the Wii going on, while we take turns to take care of and play with the kids. Videogames (of a certain kind) have become part of the social experience.

I’m not sure I can picture my mom shredding to Guitar Hero: Metallica while I was growing up.  Makes me wonder what kind of things will our children take up to show their rebellious spirit when the time comes if they are so inclined.

Recommended movie: District 9

Sci-fi with a strong social commentary and immigration undertones is right up my alley.  The fact that it’s set in South Africa, has great special effects and is set in a very rich and intelligent universe is of course a plus. What’s not to like? 😉 I won’t spoil the movie in the first paragraph of this blog post (you are more than able to read about it online), so go and see it. Now.

That it’s become an absolute classic of our time already 2 weeks after release doesn’t hurt. The social critique of the movie was driven home for me in a post by Inti of Alt1040 (quoted and translated below):

It is no secret that ignorance and fear easily make us racists.  The lack of knowledge of the lifestyles of people of different races and nationalities, together with the fear that we might feel for “possible” aggressions are the best nurture for intolerance […] outside of all logic and humanity.  Ignorance and fear that are themselves based in prejudice and distorted values.  When we know more about other people and find a reflection of ourselves, this fear should disappear together with any racist or xenophobic attitude.  What happens when ignorance and fear have a justification and there is no way to clear these obstacles?

National values and adaptation of an immigrant in Europe

One of the topics I was discussing with friends is how while in the New World being American, Canadian or even Mexican is more than anything else an ideal that can be aspired to and achieved, being Finnish, German or Italian requires you to be born into it.

If this is true, then for the sake of argument we could assume that the current debate about the need for immigrants to adapt and blend into society (what I sometimes jokingly call soppauttaminen, a play on the Finnish words for soup and adapt) is asking for the impossible, simply because the only way for them to be regarded as to be fully part of society is to be born there, which at least their first generation cannot do.  Further down the road it might happen, but is not automatic.

One could argue that this is exactly what happened to Turks in Germany, where until the change of the citizenship laws this decade, the children and grandchildren of immigrants were not allowed to become citizens of the country where they were born.  It is documented that even today they live in very tightly knit communities with little contact with the outside world.

In France, on the other hand  you have the values of liberty, equality and fraternity that are cherished by all and ensure that everybody who adapts the French language and values will be deemed as French at least in theory, but in practice it might be a little bit more complicated, as the situation in the banlieues shows.

Trying to apply this to my experiences, I have been trying to understand if there is an idea of Finnishness that I can make my own, that would also be accepted by society and followed through. If the perunasuomalaiset and other Finnish politicians really want to take the situation of immigration head on, they should ask that question. A person who has no investment in and no part in society will not be interested in his development within it.