Weekly tweets from 2013-02-04 to 2013-02-10

  • Corporate boards don't look at marketing as such, but as an enabler of growth @mforum2013 @mktgclinic ->
  • Don't sell solutions for growth before people understand the problem. @mforum2013 @mktgclinic ->
  • Y que México empata a roscas con Jamaica en casa. WTF? ->
  • Pooper hero diaper, because being a parent doesn't mean being dull 😉 http://t.co/369uimKm #twittographers ->
  • I can't get tired of watching this 🙂 / Star Wars Call Me Maybe http://t.co/1CVpY9wi ->
  • Fui al súper en una tormenta de nieve con trineo para cargar el mandado al regreso. Me sentí como cazador de la era del hielo #BandaPolar. ->
  • Balada norteña y redes sociales… ¿cómo ingaos no? Los Tres Tristes Tigres "Mi Cuenta Nueva" http://t.co/fWLUNnL3 ->