
Yoda: guardian of the pacifiers

The lack of posts lately has a very simple reason: I became a father two weeks ago. Feedings, diapers, sleepless nights, and peaceful moments show I’ve joined what a friend of mine calls “the happy insomniac’s club”. There are plenty of things that have already happened, and an unimaginable amount more in store, but it’s all worth it.

Our music collection has contributed to the mood, with lots of stuff from Cri-Crí, Finnish children’s melodies and classical music, but the little guy seems to also like the heavy rock we used to listen while he was still in the womb.

Even José Alfredo Jiménez seems to have a song for the occasion ;).

3 thoughts on “Fatherhood”

  1. Muchas felicidades!

    Me imagino que sigues con las dulces ojeras de todo padre que se quedarán ahí un rato, pero yo sé que debes estar feliz. Saludos a tu esposa también, y felicidades a los dos.


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