Two unrelated stories on immigration in Europe

  1. The European Commission has unveiled a plan to copy the American "green card" scheme to attracked skilled immigrants to Europe.  While it sounds interesting, I would really like to know what it means in practice, since as we know in the end the individual member states decide how to apply the Commission directives.  It would be a good idea, but I'm still sceptic as it could encounter too much opposition from anti-immigration politicians, even if of course business leaders clamour for it.  Question number two is how would a plan like that affect the naturalisation of said foreign citizens.  People worrying from a brain drain should see what happened with India and China: their people left mostly for the U.S. and came back with experience and capital to improve their original communities.
  2. A video was released of a Spanish man attacking an Ecuadorian immigrant in Barcelona because "she was an immigrant".  Thankfully this man is now under prosecution.  I started wondering how many of these attacks go unpunished. (via Alt1040)